It’s been obvious for several weeks now that Bold & Beautiful‘s Hope and Finn were on a collision course. So when it was their lips that wound up colliding at the end of the episode airing on Friday, June 7, we can’t say that we were entirely surprised.
At the same time, we can’t say that we were entirely fooled. Because unless we miss our mark, Monday’s episode will reveal that the shocking buss was, in fact, all in Hope’s mind. After all, this wouldn’t be the first time that Ms. Logan found herself fantasizing about someone who was supposedly off limits.
Long before she and Thomas embarked on their ill-fated romance, Hope imagined what it might be like to lock lips with her lead designer.

The Finn/Hope kiss certainly didn’t come out of nowhere. The day before, she got a bit of a faraway look on her face when he was holding her hand using pressure points to turn her on cure her migraine. It was a look Thomas/Hope shippers know all too well… and one that she should consider herself lucky Steffy didn’t see!
All of which leads us to wonder if this is simply another example of Hope’s continuing sexual awakening or, if was hinted at when she began having inappropriate (at the time) thoughts of Thomas, something more might be going on. Could the headaches which she’s been experiencing be an indication of a medical condition? Viewers will recall that it wasn’t so long ago Thomas’ headaches led to him obsessing over Hope to the point that he began macking on a mannequin we quickly dubbed “Fauxpe.”
Might Hope soon find herself wandering down to the storage room to see if she can find a men’s wear mannequin with a rugged jaw and the best abs this side of an Abercrombie & Fitch model? Or is she honestly developing feelings for the doctor, with whom she’s bonded in recent months, thanks in large part to the “unconventional” relationship between his psychotic birth mom and her pizza-making dad.
One thing is for certain: Whether the kiss was real or imagined, it’s a pretty strong indication that the already bumpy road being traveled by Hope and Steffy is about to become downright treacherous!