Bill and Poppy were pretty ga-ga over each other before the paternity test results were in on Bold & Beautiful. Now, it appears to be full speed ahead for the relationship… but as it turns out, the seas ahead are anything but calm!
Poppy and Bill’s Cinderella-like love story of finding each other again after a too-brief magical night together decades ago seems as charmed as a Disney tale. What are the odds that her daughter would move to L.A., and of all people, start working for Bill’s nemesis, Ridge Forrester, thus setting the scene for Bill and Poppy to eventually cross paths again in one of the area’s many, many restaurants?!
But the coincidences don’t stop there. Just as Luna’s desire to finally learn the identity of her father hit a fever pitch, Bill began to wonder if he might have sired a third child he had no idea existed. The pair did the math and went to Poppy seeking the truth. Despite his free-loving, mint-popping girlfriend telling Bill he was not her daughter’s biological dad, the next thing we knew, she had reversed course and announced that it might be a possibility after all.
More magic ensued as Li, cast as the evil sister in this fairy tale, tried and failed to paint Poppy as a liar by conducting the paternity test herself. Of course, there are all the reasons in the soap world to be skeptical of the outcome, but nonetheless, Bill was declared Luna’s father, he asked Poppy and Luna to move in posthaste, and Luna has already met the one brother on Bold & Beautiful who hasn’t been shipped off canvas. A happy ending indeed! Or is it?
There’s a bit of a wildcard yet to be considered. One that has been playing a pared-down role in Bill’s life, but which has the power to upend the entire fairy tale ending he and Poppy are seeking. No, we’re not talking about money, or his beloved skyscraper Sky, we’re referring to the love of Bill’s life, Katie Logan.
Viewers have already born witness to Katie’s stunned reaction to Bill having yet another child turn up out of the blue, and we’re well aware that Li planted a seed of suspicion in the Logan’s mind when it comes to Poppy, but as Don Diamont teased in a recent chat with SOD, the real trouble for “Boppy” lies in “Batie’s” history.
The last we knew, Katie was carrying on a fulfilling relationship with Forrester executive, Carter Walton, but that seems to have lost its luster, or at the very least has fallen out of favor in the face of Bill reconnecting so intensely with a former flame.
Katie’s attention has been firmly fastened on Bill’s new/old love and their daughter ever since she walked into his house just as Poppy and Bill were contemplating getting busy in the living room.
As Diamont explains, “Once someone comes into Bill’s life who he has a daughter with, that’s definitely going to threaten Katie and I think also awaken some things in her that she has been able to sort of literally keep at bay — compartmentalize, lock those feelings away.” “But,” he continued, “They’re there. They can’t not be there. She’s his great love, he’s her great love.”
Uh oh. If that’s not foreshadowing of a love triangle, we don’t know what is. Sure enough, the Bold & Beautiful actor went on to preview, “I look forward to seeing how that unfolds in the coming weeks…”
Will Katie spoil Bill and Poppy’s fairy tale? Do you want her to? Let us know in the comments