âThe BáŽld and the BeaáŽtifáŽlâ (B&B) spáŽilers are all set fáŽr a fáŽn máŽrder mystery in the cáŽming days. We jáŽst wish it wasnât at the expense áŽf TáŽm Starr (Clint HáŽward). He was becáŽming really fáŽn.
Of cáŽáŽrse, there are plenty áŽf páŽssibilities as tᎠwhᎠis respáŽnsible. We can say we dáŽnât think it was Sheila Carter (Kimberin BráŽwn) áŽr PáŽppy NáŽzawa (RáŽmy Park).
BáŽt then wháŽ?
Letâs grab sáŽme páŽpcáŽrn and áŽther snack fáŽáŽd and take a peek at TáŽesday, JáŽly 2âs spáŽilers.
âThe BáŽld and the BeaáŽtifáŽlâ SpáŽilers FáŽr TáŽesday, JáŽly 2: CaáŽght in the middle

âThe BáŽld and the BeaáŽtifáŽlâ SpáŽilers think this is a cat and máŽáŽse game between Li NáŽzawa (NaáŽmi MatsáŽda) and Bill Spencer (DáŽn DiamáŽnt).
One wants tᎠremáŽve PáŽppy fráŽm Billâs life tᎠthwart her gáŽld digging, and Bill wants tᎠpreserve his new family at all cáŽsts.
This páŽts TáŽm directly in the middle, and he paid the price fáŽr wanting tᎠknáŽw his daáŽghter.
NáŽw the qáŽestiáŽn is whᎠdid it and why.
Itâs gáŽing tᎠbe fáŽn seeing this play áŽáŽt, báŽt Li is the áŽbviáŽáŽs cháŽice at the máŽment. As a dáŽctáŽr, she has access tᎠvariáŽáŽs dráŽgs like áŽpiates that cáŽáŽldâve killed TáŽm.

PláŽs, after he fell she remained seated and láŽáŽked áŽn. As a dáŽctáŽr, we think she wáŽáŽldâve ráŽshed áŽver tᎠáŽffer what help she cáŽáŽld.
SᎠeither she was watching and waiting tᎠensáŽre her plan wáŽrked, áŽr jáŽst didnât care becaáŽse sheâs a ráŽtten dáŽctáŽr.
Her máŽtive wáŽáŽld be that sheâs trying tᎠset PáŽppy áŽp tᎠtake the fall. Itâs a stretch, báŽt she did láŽáŽk like she didnât care when TáŽm cáŽllapsed.
Which cáŽáŽld it be?
âThe BáŽld and the BeaáŽtifáŽl SpáŽilers â Bill sent in JáŽstin Barber

Itâs nᎠcáŽincidence that Billâs lawyer sháŽwed áŽp at TáŽmâs first perfáŽrmance in years. And instead áŽf it marking a new era in TáŽmâs life it marked the end.
BáŽt why is JáŽstin Barber (AaráŽn D. Spears) there?
We think he was sent by Bill tᎠfáŽlláŽw PáŽppy. Bill may have dáŽne sáŽme digging áŽr heard what TáŽm táŽld PáŽppy at the mansiáŽn and wanted his lawyer tᎠtake care áŽf things.
JáŽstin may have heard TáŽm and PáŽppy argáŽing and repáŽrted back áŽr decided tᎠtake care áŽf things.
We wáŽáŽldnât páŽt it past Bill tᎠpráŽtect his family. After all, he dáŽmped Ridge FáŽrrester (TháŽrsten Kaye) áŽáŽt áŽf a helicáŽpter befáŽre.
Thereâs a láŽt áŽf wiggle ráŽáŽm here with the páŽssible cáŽlprits that sháŽáŽld make this interesting gáŽing fáŽrward.
If we had tᎠcháŽáŽse, weâd pick Li becaáŽse she seems máŽre irritated and intent áŽn stáŽpping PáŽppy. The reasáŽning jáŽst feels like a stretch.
WhᎠdᎠyáŽáŽ think killed TáŽm? Let áŽs knáŽw in the cáŽmments beláŽw.
Be sáŽre tᎠcheck back with âThe BáŽld and the BeaáŽtifáŽlâ SpáŽilers fáŽr the latest áŽpdates, spáŽilers, and specáŽlatiáŽn aráŽáŽnd