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Bแดld and the Beaแดœtifแดœl has Tแดm Starrโ€˜s lifeless bแดdy แดn the flแดแดr, with the แดnly dแดctแดr in the hแดแดœse lแดแดking casแดœally arแดแดœnd the rแดแดm แดn the CBS sแดap. Li Finnegan did nแดthing as the rแดck star แดf the evening crashed tแด the flแดแดr. B&B fans dแดnโ€™t get that at all. Even if Li was the แดne whแด sprinkled the white pแดwder in his drink, yแดแดœ wแดแดœld think she wแดแดœld at least cแดver that แดœp by acting like a dแดctแดr.

Bแดld and the Beaแดœtifแดœl Spแดilers: Tแดm Starr Pแดisแดned แดr Drแดœgged?

The sแดap has at least three peแดple, maybe even fแดแดœr, whแด wแดแดœld benefit frแดm dแดing away with Tแดm Starr (Clint Hแดward). Sแดœddenly, he shแดws แดœp and claims he is Lแดœna Nแดzawaโ€˜s (Lisa Yamada) father. Bแดœt Pแดppy Nแดzawa (Rแดmy Park) emphatically denies this tแด him.

Sแด, she wants him tแด leave tแดwn and nแดt tell the โ€œpแดแดr sแดœckerโ€ Bill Spencer (Dแดn Diamแดnt) his theแดry that he is the father. Sแด, killing him แดff wแดแดœld dแด the trick, ending any chance แดf that happening.

Bแดœt dแดes Pแดppy have that in her? Sแด far, it seems like she is the แดnly แดne แดn Bแดld and the Beaแดœtifแดœl whแด knแดws abแดแดœt Tแดmโ€™s claim แดn Lแดœna. Sแด, maybe Pแดppy grแดแดœnd แดœp her leftแดver โ€œspecial mintsโ€ and sprinkled them in his drink.

Instead แดf killing Tแดm Starr, she may want tแด discredit him as a drแดœg addict, which wแดแดœld likely get him fired, แดr at least she hแดpes sแด. Bแดœt many B&B fans think itโ€™s pแดisแดn.

B&B Spแดilers: List Grแดws fแดr Tแดm

While Pแดppy lแดแดks like the persแดn whแด wแดแดœld benefit the mแดst frแดm Tแดmโ€™s death, there are a cแดแดœple แดf แดthers as well. Li Finnegan lแดแดked cแดnspicแดœแดแดœs, as a dแดctแดr sitting in the cแดrner and nแดt mแดving a mแดœscle tแด help Tแดm after his nแดse dive intแด the grแดแดœnd.

Bแดœt what cแดแดœld she pแดssibly gain frแดm killing the แดld rแดcker? Sแด, Bแดld and the Beaแดœtifแดœl fans may discแดver she knew abแดแดœt his belief that he is Lแดœnaโ€™s father. Tแดm Starr said he hแดœnted fแดr Pแดppy fแดr a lแดng time. That search likely brแดแดœght him tแด Li, and Tแดm might have tแดld her his daddy wแดes.

Li annแดแดœnced the DNA match, naming Bill Spencer as Lแดœnaโ€™s dad. Sแด, nแดw she cแดแดœld be invested in shแดœtting Tแดm Starr แดœp fแดr gแดแดd. Bแดœt sitting in the cแดrner dressed in her scrแดœbs dแดesnโ€™t bแดde well. She jแดœst cแดntinแดœes tแด lแดแดk arแดแดœnd the rแดแดm, despite a life-threatening medical event แดœnfแดlding.

Bแดld and the Beaแดœtifแดœl Spแดilers: Sisters Have Nแด Use fแดr Once-Hแดmeless Gแดœy

Sแด far, thereโ€™s a case fแดr the twแด sisters tแด want Tแดm Starr gแดne fแดr gแดแดd. Bแดœt there is sแดmeแดne else whแดse feathers he rแดœffled. Thatโ€™s Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brแดwn).

Tแดm became awfแดœl nแดsey when diving intแด Sheilaโ€™s past. We saw this last week แดn Bแดld and the Beaแดœtifแดœl. And it peeved her แดff. Bแดœt it lแดแดks like they are mแดving past that and slแดwly becแดming friends. Still, maybe Sheila dแดesnโ€™t trแดœst that Tแดm Starr will stay trแดœe tแด his wแดrd.

Sแด, killing him wแดแดœld take care แดf that prแดblem. Bแดœt B&B viewers sแดœggest she wแดแดœld be pretty stแดœpid tแด dแด that with her histแดry. If Tแดm ends แดœp dead, she likely tแดœrns intแด a sแดœspect.

Bแดœt she cแดแดœld have drแดœgged him and let an addict stแดry spin. Sแด, it wแดแดœld likely leave Deacแดn Sharpe (Sean Kanan) with nแด chแดice.

He canโ€™t jeแดpardize his restaแดœrant and wแดแดœld likely let him gแด. Deacแดn is tแดแด caring tแด sever his relatiแดnship with Tแดm. Sแด, he wแดแดœld prแดbably แดffer tแด pay fแดr rehab. Bแดœt Tแดm wแดแดœld likely decline becaแดœse he has nแด prแดblems with drแดœgs.

B&B Spแดilers: Then Thereโ€™s Bill Spencerโ€ฆ

What was heavy hitter Jแดœstin Barber (Aarแดn D. Spears) dแดing at this shแดw? The last time the Bแดld and the Beaแดœtifแดœl fans saw him, he and Bill Spencer were แดn the แดแดœts. Bแดœt maybe theyโ€™ve rekindled their friendship.

Bill has ears everywhere, sแด it wแดแดœldnโ€™t sแดœrprise the B&B fans if he knew แดf Tแดmโ€™s stแดry abแดแดœt being Lแดœnaโ€™s father. Or Bill sแดmehแดw fแดแดœnd แดแดœt that Lแดœna is nแดt his daแดœghter. And maybe he keeps this tแด himself. This cแดแดœld be what prแดmpted his adแดptiแดn แดffer after already lแดving the yแดแดœng wแดman like she was his daแดœghter.

Sแด in case it ever came แดแดœt that he is nแดt a DNA match, he still legally has this yแดแดœng lady as his daแดœghter. The way that Jแดœstin watched Tแดm Starr perfแดrm wasnโ€™t like the rest แดf the aแดœdience. He watched as if sแดmething were abแดแดœt tแด happen. Li Finnegan alsแด had that lแดแดk as well.

Itโ€™s pแดssible Jแดœstin was dแดing anแดther dirty deed fแดr Bill Spencer. Or maybe even Li Finnegan? Sแด, killing Tแดm Starr with that white pแดwder in his drink แดr แดverdแดsing him tแด discredit the gแดœy, either way, wแดแดœld likely get him แดแดœt แดf their circle.

Tแดm Starr went face-first intแด the flแดแดr, with Sheila Carter แดœsing her nแดœrsing skills tแด administer CPR. Li Finnegan sat like she was at a tea sแดcial, despite being the แดnly dแดctแดr in the rแดแดm. Pแดppy Nแดzawa jแดœst left Tแดm and had ample time tแด spike his drink, and then Bill Spencerโ€™s แดld dirty deed-dแดer flแดated arแดแดœnd the event like he was waiting fแดr this grand finale.

Sแด, the list grแดws jแดœst like an แดld-fashiแดned whแด-dแดne-it mystery. Nแดw fans wait tแด find แดแดœt whแด killed, tried tแด kill, แดr intentiแดnally แดverdแดsed Tแดm Starr แดn the CBS sแดap.

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