Tom’s death continues to cast a long shadow. The official explanation – a drug overdose – doesn’t sit right with Deacon. Despite the autopsy results, Deacon, refusing to accept the painful truth, launches his own investigation.
He meticulously examines Tom’s life, interviewing everyone from acquaintances to strangers. His investigation leads him to Poppy and Luna, whose behavior surrounding Tom’s death seems suspicious. Deacon starts piecing together a different story: Tom’s demise might be more sinister than a simple overdose.
Driven by a thirst for justice, Deacon delves deeper, facing hurdles at every turn. Poppy, terrified of Tom’s secret – the truth about Luna’s parentage – hatches a plan. She intends to frame Tom as a drug addict, rendering his accusations about Luna meaningless.
Poppy’s plan involves slowly feeding Tom drugs, hoping to turn him into a discredited addict. This way, no one would believe his claims. However, things spiral out of control. Tom succumbs to an overdose, an unintended consequence that throws Poppy into a panic.
While Tom’s death removes a potential threat, it also makes Poppy a prime suspect. The police, noticing inconsistencies, begin to investigate Poppy. Witnesses place her at the scene, further tightening the noose. Poppy, facing the music for her actions, must scramble to erase any trace of her involvement before the truth buries her.